Senin, 05 Oktober 2015

The Emergence of Transplanetary and Supraterritorial Connectivity

Rubric Book (English Version)

Globalization: A Critical Introduction

What is globalisation? When has globalisation emerged and spread? Why has globalisation occurred? How, if at all, has globalisation generated social change? What benefits and harms have flowed from globalisation? Inasmuch as globalisation can bring good, how can the positive outcomes be maximised? insofar as globalisation can have ill effects, how might they be avoided? The core contents of this book deals with these questions and are grouped into three main parts; framework analysis, change and continuity and normative and policy issues.

From those three parts, the book aims to advance understanding of globalisation that can help to shape the process in positive directions.

Please kindly find our next Edition 07 October to read the complete content of the above theme.
Please contact our Marketing Office to purchase this edition.