Jumat, 01 Januari 2016

PAUD Aiko Makassar: Early Introduction to Professions --Makassar- Established by strong idealism, the early-age education for children or ‘Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini’ (PAUD) AIKO Makassar exists with unique education perspective.  Professions, such as policeman or policewoman, doctor, nurse, firefighter, and others are introduced to the pupils since the beginning.

The playing room seems so nice.  Kids were freely expressing their interests.  There was a very interesting chat among several kids. They chatted in English.  The method this PAUD AIKO applies is rather unique.  The teaching and introduction activities in English are not in the classroom, rather in the playing-room or -ground.

According to Harmiah, Head Student AIKO Makassar, this method is suitable for and fits to early ages.  Learning while playing, introducing lessons with practices, make the kids feel free or not overwhelmed.  “We avoid teaching method with task-orientation”, said Harmiah.  It is not surprise; we can hear sometimes English chats in the middle of the noise playing kids.

Situated in Jalan Sunu Kompleks Unhas Blok IX No. 3, Makassar, the PAUD AIKO Makassar established last 2010.  According to Head of PAUD AIKO Makassar Foundation, Dewi Arni, SE., their vision and mission is to create an education institution that is able to develop and produce graduate with good character (berakhlak), smart, high-quality, and be disciplined.  With these qualities, the graduate will have the character of hard and smart worker and work sincere.

Within this vision and mission context, PAUD AIKO Makassar is prominent among other similar early-age institutions in Makassar.  The strong focus on early introduction to profession brings PAUD AIKO Makassar to have a specific competitive advantage.

Every Tuesday, all the kids come to school not with their regular uniforms. They wear different professions. Some come with doctor uniform, others with army, police, nurse, firefighter and others.  According to Harmiah, this method of professional uniform is part of introducing the professions in a more practical and extensive ways.  Teachers will inform the kids about the responsibilities and tasks of each profession.

Similar to other early age education institutions, the core of teaching method, as the main pillar, in PAUD AIKO Makassar is to develop the kids characters. The advantage of theirs is approaching and educating the kids so that they can freely and without feeling worries do their creations.  It is designed as well so that the emotional relation among kids, teachers and their parents are well established.  Therefore, every Friday, the kids’ creations or whatever they made will be brought home to show to their parents.

Another advantage, according to PAUD AIKO Makassar Foundation Head, Dewi Arni, SE., is that in the future this institution will open a counseling room.  “Here, in counseling room, teachers, parents and their kids, are invited in order to get to know closer each other and to know and understand deeply about their kids interests and aspirations”, said Dewi Arni.  Some parents, as it happens todays, still do not know their children interests and aspirations.  By this counseling room, the thumbs up deserved to PAUD AIKO Makassar.* (Iskandar Burhan)