Kamis, 05 November 2015

The Opening of Makassar Expo 2015 (English Version)

"the 4th Annual Event Makassar Expo 2015" opening ceremony at Trans Studio, 4 NoVember 2015, in Makassar
Photo by Rahmat Mustafa
As part of the 408th Anniversary of Makassar, the Office of Tourism and Creative Economy, Makassar, organized "The 4th Annual Event Makassar Expo 2015".  This Expo was held in Trans Studio Makassar from 4 to 8 November 2015.   The participants come from different offices and institutions as well as regions.  The offices (SKPD) within Makassar Government exhibited their services.  Some regions outside Makassar also participated the Expo such as from Central Jakarta, Banjarmasin, Madiun and North Mamuju.  While Telkom, BRI and BPJS represented the state-owned firms.

One of creative products from locals.  They are made from wastes.
Photo by Rahmat Mustafa
Creative products from locals were making the Expo more interesting.  These products were facilitated by Klinik Bisnis Terpada or Integrated Business Clinic has facilitated these products.  Clinics can be found at every districts in Makassar. These products are for example lamp made from plastic bottle waste.  Besides lamp, accessories made from the midrib of banana leaf.  Commenting to these interesting creative products, Muhammad Roem, Head of Marketing and Promotion Division, Makassar Office of Tourism and Creative Economy, said "these products needs to be more improved".*

Rahmat Mustafa -