Kamis, 17 Desember 2015

Makassar Techno Park is Different from the Others

SmartCityMakassar.Com.  MAKASSAR: The presence of Rumah Software Indonesia (or Indonesia Software House) as part of Makassar Techno Park is a big momentum to invigorate the creativity of software builders and IT communities around Makassar.

Makassar Mayor, Moh. Ramdhan Pomanto informed that Makassar Techno Park is different from other Techno Parks in Indonesia. "Other cities build their Techno Parks first then followed later by creating the softwares. On the contrary, Makassar builds the software first, then the Techno Park", explained the Mayor when giving his welcoming speech at the Rumah Software Indonesia Kick-Off event, last Monday (14/12).      

Prior to Techno Park presence, Makassar has already worked with and implemented some IT-based application to support the municipality's various public services, explained the Mayor. 'Telemedicine', as an example, is the product of software developer from Unhas. It is the same for 'Virtual Waste Bank' that is designed by Makassar waste community. This city has already an Operation Center. It is the first city in Indonesia to have the 'Big Data', which is one card for all or 'Smart Card'. "This Operation Center with its huge data storage capacity contributes to a more prompt decision making," said the Mayor. The prompt decision making with the integrated data accuracy is the most important part for a smart city design.

Unhas Rector, Prof. Dr. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu expressed her great appreciation to this Software House presence. According to her, in this information technology era, the inter-linked communication among government, the locals, and the IT field communities, is highly needed.  "It seems that this process runs well already in Makassar", she added.   

The Triple Helix concept, as a dynamic synergy link among government, research institution or higher education, and business sector or societies, is the most important part of smart city. The synergy and supports among them are the key of smart city success. 

In other speech, the Director of Electronic and Telematics Industry, Directorate General of Technology-Based Industry Excellence (Direktorat Jenderal Industri Unggulan Berbasis Teknologi), Indonesia Ministry of Industry, Ignatius Warsito, spoke that the techno park in smart city is a necessity. "smart city without techno park is a vegetable soup without salt", he said.* (Iskandar Burhan)