Minggu, 28 Februari 2016

Inviting Mayors to Talk (1/2)

The Mayor of Makassar, Moh. Ramdhan Pomanto talked in the ASEAN Summit Forum, Thursday (18/02/2016), in San Francisco, USA. (Photo Source: Makassar Office of Public Relation, 2016) --Makassar- The contemporary cities have been now facing complex problems than ever.  Immigrations, aging population, youth unemployment, are some of city problems in European Union region. The climate change, energy and food rescue, and environment are the general problem around the world. These problems are complex and complicated since they are intertwined among them.  Ones affect the others, directly or indirectly.

Some world organizations or associations have been seriously striving to face these problems. Some of them have great concerns with future city transformation as ways to goes through the contemporary problem. They found out and recognized that some mayors around the world have innovative, great, outstanding and inspiring efforts to develop their cities. In order to share these innovative and best practices, gain knowledge, and experience they invited mayors.

The mayors are invited and asked for talks about their experiences. Prizes are also honored to the innovative and outstanding mayors. The prizes tell that there are mayors who are ready to work with complex and complicated future city problems while bringing their communities' life livable and sustainable.

City Mayors Foundations is a group of philanthropies that invites worldwide mayors to “talk”. The foundation is an international think tank. Their aim is to encourage the mayors to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to some contemporary city problems. These problems are such governance, community, housings, transportation, education and employment. All the efforts are put into a World Mayor Project.
(To be continued)