The Mayor of Makassar, Moh. Ramdhan Pomanto. (Foto Iskandar Burhan, 2015): | --Makassar- The Mayor of Makassar, Moh. Ramdhan Pomanto, or familiar as 'Danny', presented the Makassar Incorporated (MI) concept in front of Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund's, one of the state-owned enterprises, (or 'Penjamin Infrastruktur Indonesia') representative, Indra P. Sigawinata, the Vice President for Business and Development, Wednesday (02/03/2016), at Danny's house. MI is the concept of inviting and finding fund or investments from business, either local, public or international scale. No state fund is used. MI, is further named as "All Makassar Corporated" or Amacore.
Amacore plays as the main channel for interested parties to invest in Makassar by Business to Business partnership scheme. According to Danny, within Amacore's scheme, the Government of Makassar prepares and provides prospects to Amacore. Prospects are the all critical government's projects for the region's prosperity.
Next to this, The Makassar Public-Private-Partnership Centre or MPIC will play their role as propose prospects and find investors for the prospects. MPIC is the first dedicated PPP centre in Indonesia. MPIC, according to Danny, fully understands the international protocols and standards for investment. "Amacore can provide transcore for transportation sector. No state fund. Spatial Detail Planning is handed to Amacore while MPIC will find the investors," describe Danny.* (Iskandar Burhan)