Selasa, 05 Januari 2016

Educating the Local's of Maccini Subdistrict, Makassar, Regarding Waste Sorting --Makassar- The Subdistrict of Maccini, District of Makassar, has their unique approach to educate their locals regarding clean environment emphasising on children. Adopting activities from previous Makassar Green and Clean Program, the subdistrict along with environment enthusiasts conducted a program with direct implementation to community by the children.

According to the Head of Maccini Subdistrict, Juliaman, his team along with the locals created a "waste sorting bin" (bak pemilah sampah). Waste with economic-value will be sorted to special bin. "By this bin, children and other locals started to sort their waste according to the appropriate bins. Previously they put the waste without sorting," said the Head.

This educating waste has been starting since last August 2015 where the bins were put at Maccini Raya Street. In September 2015 other were put in Maccini Night Market (Pasar Malam Maccini). "We will keep educating our locals in order to build a clean culture", ended the Head.* (Iskandar Burhan).