Selasa, 05 Januari 2016

Deng Ical : 'Kuliner Lorong' Will be Maximized --Makassar- The Deputy Mayor of Makassar, Syamsu Rizal, familiarly known as 'Deng Ical', kept his commitment to consistently maximize the Alley Culinary or "Kuliner Lorong' Program of Government of Makassar, as part of efforts to encourage the creativity and prosperity of Makassar's locals.

"Currently we have signed an MoU with a businessman who can produces the products from locals living in alleys with good quality," said Deng Ical, Wednesday (30/12). According to him, the products from alley are from agriculture, for example, vegetables and fruits, handcrafts, cakes, and foods. The Government of Makassar will help them for the hygiene aspects of the cakes and foods by providing a health team. The team will verify the products including the appliances and the materials.

Deng Ical further said, "We have also conducted some trainings for locals in order to make their products competitive and get market acceptance."* (Iskandar Burhan)