Selasa, 16 Agustus 2016

Indonesia Smart City Forum 2016 Bandung: A Hope for a Smart City National Policy

Sumber Foto: Ade Ismar Gobel, Kepala Seksi Pengembangan Media, Dinas Kominfo Makassar, 2016
Inset: Denny Hidayat, Kepala Bidang Pengembangan Informasi, Aplikasi dan Telematika, Dinas Kominfo Makassar --Makassar- Indonesia Smart Forum 2016 will be held on 2-3 September 2016, at the venue of Trans Luxury Hotel, in Bandung, titled "Tingkatkan Kolaborasi, Kurangi Kompetisi" or "Improving Collaboration, Reducing Competition".

Denny Hidayat, the Head of Information, Application and Telematics Development Division from Makasssar Office of Communication and Informatics (Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika), explained that this forum invites all cities and regencies around Indonesia to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The MOU deals with application exchanges and collaboration agreement in order to develop and advance Indonesia's Smart City programs.

For Makassar, according to Denny Hidayat, this event is greatly important. Makassar can share its successful experiences to others as well as to establish and conclude application sharing cooperation. Makassar can make the most of this conditions in the frame of mutual acceleration for Indonesia's Smart City program advance.

The experiences sharing among the cities and regencies are important considering the unique characters of Smart City concept. Smart City depends on the condition of a location. An 'alignment' is therefore important to this respect. 

Considering that characters as well as the idea of putting Smart City programs all over Indonesia on an alignment are the main reason for Makassar delegation to this forum to wait for, expect and be optimist on a national and comprehensive policy of Indonesia Smart City.* (M. Yushar M.)