Senin, 21 Desember 2015

Gunung Sari Subdistrict Head, the Resonance of Leadership --Makassar- Guided by long experiences in bureaucratic works in Makassar, it is unsurprising when this figure has well understood the public services realms. The figure, the leader, is Drs. Ayyub Salahuddin. Prior to assuming the position as Head of Gunung Sari Subdistrict since 6 March 2015, Rappocini District, he has been experiencing several different positions.

Building strong and good relationship with other components, either with internal office or locals coupled with intensive persuasive communication is the interesting character of him. Born on 10 January 1966, this friendly figure initiates frequently original ideas in term of maximizing the performance of Makassar government's leading programs.

The good examples are the integrated security and cleanliness system he has built. The figure, who has been as the Head at different subdistricts in Makassar, boosted these systems as the program priority. The basis of integrated security system is public. From this basis, partnership with police, military, religious figures and all figures within this subdistricts was developed and built. Post for neighbourhoods security system (Siskamling) is the clear results of this system.

For the cleanliness program, Ayyub has been successfully developing public awareness regarding making their environment clean. It is not actually an easy tasks. During the process, he always motivates and motivates his people. Variety of ways Ayyub used to drive this process, for example, by meeting directly to his people for socialisation, by providing 'talking board', billboard, letters, calls out through mosques, and by door to door visits to his people.  

How to formulate and bring synergy in one wholly integrated issue is his subdistrict's main focus to deal with the Municipality's 'must-to-succeed' programs. In order to move and drive this integrated issue, Ayyub initiated  many public engagement activities; such as creating a youths and adults Environment Case Community (Komunitas Peduli Lingkungan), organizing clean competition for the 70th anniversary of Indonesia Independence Day, programming routine communal work (kerja bakti) every Sunday at lowest administration level of his subdistrict (RT/RW).

For Ayyub, as the spearhead of the public service program, continuous evaluation to all his staffs should be performed. In order to measure staffs' performance, some indicators are considered such as human resource competence in administrative works, communication skill to encourage public participation and engagement, leadership, integrity, loyalty, and physical as well as mental capabilities in managing the services.

Those above of his work framework in public services set as the basis of Ayyub's mandate. "A leader must be as a role model, motivator, inspiring person, mediator, and actor and controller of a communal-based organisation," he stressed. For Ayyub, in other word, a leader must transmit leadership resonance within all aspects of his or her dedication to society.* (Iskandar Burhan)