Rabu, 02 Desember 2015

the New MURI Records at Losari Beach: the Longest 'Pisang Ijo' MAKASSAR: The new MURI records were listed for the longest 'pisang ijo'  and for the most varieties in 'pisang ijo' recipes.  The record was part of the "Traditional Food Vaganza" event, located at Losari Beach, Makassar, on Saturday (28/11).

Held by the Makassar Office for Tourism and Creative Economy and were supported by 'Asosiasi Perusahaan Jasa Boga Indonesia' (APJI) or Indonesia Association for Catering Services and 'Rose Brand', the event was attended by Makassar Mayor, Moh. Ramdhan Pomanto.  The locals showed their great enthusiasm during the event.

According to the Head of Office for Tourism and Creative Economy, Rusmayani Madjid, 'pisang ijo' was chosen to express great enthusiasm of peoples outside Makassar to this traditional menu.  Addtionally, it is to introduce this menu in term of its potential varieties that can be created in innovative ways.*

(Iskandar Burhan)