Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

Treading the Gate of ASEAN Economic Community (2/3) --Makassar- For Danny Pomanto –the familiar name of the Mayor— state scale has so wide area to cover.  So, it is not able to deal with all details and complex problems of cities simultaneously and synchronously.  Moreover, facing this globalized era, direct relations and interactions in world scale has shifted from state to cities scale.  To this perspective, city becomes the center point of new international governance.  Therefore, it is undisputable that city should be the main pillar of ASEAN Economic Community. 

There was such a ‘fresh air’ of optimism blowing from the whole visionary and revolutionary thoughts and insights to the outcome of the previous AMF 2015.  It is a form of optimism in facing the AEC era at the end of 2015 year.  At least, one step has been applied as initial base in order to tread new free trade ‘arena’ within ASEAN region.

It is 'just' an initial step since the previous AMF 2015 is not the end goal.  Rather it is simply a prolog to identify and to put mutual understanding among ASEAN cities. An understanding about how to enter the free trade when AEC puts into effect in December 2015.  “The most fundamental thing among others is how to define the position of Makassar in term of its readiness on facing the free trade era”, said Fahrina Mustafa, lecturer at Management Department, Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas).

Defining and putting Makassar position into the real ‘picture’ of AEC is the most important part of all steps that come from forum outcomes.  At least, from the forum, some strategic steps and a road map to AEC gate have been determined by all parties who have various interests to the free trade competition.

By this clear strategic steps and roadmap, it is easier for all public components to set their better supports as well as preparations.  These supports and preparations, in turn, will build public understanding about what they will face or deal with and how to anticipate MEA 2015.  According to Murzan Munizu, three are three aspects to be considered in order to know how prepared Makassar to face MEA 2015.  These aspects include government, business or private sectors and public.* (Makmur Gazali)
(To be continued)

Please read, the previous: Treading the Gate of ASEAN Economic Community (1/3)